Seven day sale!

Has the pandemic and its lockdowns caused you to gain weight? Did the holidays only make matters worse? Then take advantage of this sale for two Atlantis Scalar energy services:

WEIGHT OPTIMIZATION 20% off for humans and pets!

RELIEF FROM ADDICTION 20% off! (And yes, that includes addiction to sugar, carbs and food in general.)


8 thoughts on “SEVEN DAY SALE!

  1. says:

    Thank you looking forward to getting my work done purchased recently. I know Elisa under the weather and taking much needed time off.

    love and joy Terry

    • Elisa Medhus says:

      The ERPE includes portal work and a lot more! I just filmed a video today that will go up on the AS YouTube channel Monday that explains everything it comes with

    • Elisa Medhus says:

      To do? Depending on the service and the size of the household in the case of household work, as little as 6 and up to 14 hours. Usually averages around 10 hours, then the next day I do 1.5 hours more in what I call the Acrylic phase. As for time to initial and max effects, those are stated in the description box but I recently discovered that since we added the release of trapped emotions in the ERPE, it has to be done slowly over 5-6 weeks.

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