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New Year New You Bundle

From: Original price was: $1,050.00.Current price is: $892.50.

Happy 2024 everyone! To ring in the new year in a way that brings abundance, health, wholeness and love, Erik has created a new “CREATE YOUR OWN BUNDLE” sale so that you can usher in a NEW YOU for the NEW YEAR. This sale gives you the deepest discounts that Atlantis Scalar has ever offered FOR THE ENTIRE MONTH OF JANUARY!

Hair and Lash Growth

No more shaving your head, wearing wigs or toupees or using prescription or over-the-counter hair growth products.

Self-Love, Trauma Release and Inner Child Healing

NO MORE SELF-LOATHING! Gift yourself or someone you love with the self-love you or they deserve!

Weight Optimization

Regain the figure you had when you were young!

Addictive Substances and Behaviors

The scalar energy approach to addiction relief has gone through extensive beta testing and the results have been extremely positive for a variety of addictions to both substances and behaviors. RESULTS AS EARLY AS 10 DAYS and major relief around 3 months.

Energy Repair, Protection and Enhancement

THIS PRICE COVERS HOUSEHOLDS OF ANY AND ALL SIZES! In order to reduce costs and help more people in need, Archangel Erik created this  bundle to address all the aspects that might hinder the success of energy/portal work.

Heavy Metal and Chemical Detoxification

Got mercury? Affected by chemtrails and other sources of toxic chemicals? No more!

Full Body Microbiome Optimization

Age Reversal

Scalar energy’s version of the fountain of youth!

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